College Park in Oakville is known as a walkable, convenient neighbourhood, named for the world-renowned Sheridan College. Regarded for its Animation and Arts programs, Sheridan College brings students from around the world to the Oakville area. As such, College Park features a variety of amenities within walking distance, with Oakville Place just a few minutes walk away from most homes in College Park, and grocery and big box shopping further north up Trafalgar Road.
Homes for sale in College Park, Oakville, feature condos, apartments, semi-detached, townhomes, bungalows, and split-levels. The area truly offers something for everyone, including affordable price points for first-time homebuyers.
Members of the College Park community enjoy the convenient shopping, and easy access of the area. Most amenities are just a few minutes walk away, making it an ideal choice for those who prefer not to use a car, or for elderly citizens looking for a small community to live within.